The Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees
We all know the basic benefits that trees provide. They’re good for the environment. They provide a safe haven for nature. They produce the oxygen we need to breathe. On top of all this, they provide a pleasant atmosphere and view to outdoor areas.
There many other lesser-known reasons why planting trees can be extremely beneficial to both you and the environment.
Trees Can Help Reduce Temperature
Trees and other forms of vegetation provide shade, which can lower surface temperatures by 20-45° F. They can also lower the air temperature through evapotranspiration. This is the process by which water is transferred from the soil into the atmosphere, and combined with shading, can actually reduce peak summer temperatures by 2-9° F.
By planting energy-saving trees on the east and west/northwest ends of your home, the cooling shade and cooler air can reduce your summer air conditioning costs by as much as 35%. Additionally, planting trees around your home can reduce the amount of heat winter winds can strip from your home, reducing your heating bills.
Trees Clean the Air and Reduce Greenhouse Gases
As mentioned earlier, trees produce oxygen. They do this by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2), one of the most notable greenhouse gases. Each year the average tree absorbs roughly 48 pounds of CO2 and will, in turn, produce enough oxygen to support up to 4 human beings.
In addition to absorbing CO2, trees also absorb gaseous pollutants and airborne chemicals such as nitrogen oxides, ammonia, and sulphur dioxide, which helps naturally purify the air we breathe.
Trees Can Also Reduce Noise Pollution
Traffic, construction, and other forms of noise pollution can spoil an otherwise relaxing day on your front porch or back deck. However, a dense section of trees, also known as a ‘tree buffer,’ can help reduce these nagging sounds. To put it into perspective, a 100-foot wide tree buffer can reduce outside noise by up to 5-8 decibels.
Trees Can Prevent Flooding and Soil Erosion
Tree roots break up the surface of otherwise flat sections of earth, reducing the ability of water to pool and run off during intense storms. Puddles will drain into the ground around the roots, which can keep water from flooding into your home. This also helps increase ground water recharge and the absorption of chemicals and fertilizers before they wash into local streams or seep into the water table.
Additionally, tree roots hold soil together, preventing it from being eroded or washed away during flood season. This is especially important for homes that are located on uneven land, as heavy rainfall could lead to water runoff that can damage the foundation.
IGS Understands the Ecological Importance of Trees
We do our best to be eco-friendly (and tree friendly) by supplying homes and businesses with electricity generated from wind and solar power.
If you want to do your part to help make a greener world, plant a few trees and visit our website to browse your green energy options today!