The Impact of a Green Energy Rate

How exactly does a go green energy rate work?
As renewable energy becomes more popular, there are more opportunities for companies to take part in its growth. And, the more people who purchase renewable energy products, the more effective they will be.
If you think of the electric grid as a lake – a lake that is fed by many different water sources – you can start to visualize how the electric grid looks. Lakes may be fed by springs or rainwater, or from glaciers in the mountains, or from the city’s water treatment plant, or a combination of all of them. The water mixes together in the lake and there’s really no way to determine where a single molecule of water came from. A cup of water from the lake has a probability of containing some water from each source.

Electricity flows to the grid in a similar way. The grid is supplied by a variety of sources – some that produce more pollution than others. Once in the grid, the electricity that flows to homes and businesses is considered to be a mix of all sources of generation. So, the more energy being generated by renewable resources, the less demand there is for energy generated by fossil fuels.
At IGS Energy, we’re doing our part to take care of our planet. And you can too.
When you enroll in a go greenTM product from IGS Energy, we’ll make sure that for every kWh of electricity you use, a kWh from a renewable source is put on the grid, reducing the amount of energy generated from non-renewable fossil fuels.
Click here to learn more about our Green Energy rates in your area