How do I make my apartment energy efficient?

A common misconception in the renters’ world is that the choices the property owner has made are the choices you must stick with. In some cases, this is probably true, especially when it comes to remodeling a kitchen or finishing a basement. However, there are some quick and easy changes you can make to transform your home into a more comfortable place for you to live. Explore these six simple adjustments you can make in your rental home to achieve an energy efficient apartment.
1. Caulk and seal your windows and doors.
This always seems to be something property owners forget to re-do when tenants move out. Sealing (or resealing) the cracks and crevices around your windows and doors is important for more than just cold winters and hot summers. It’s important for those temperate days, too, as regulating airflow keeps your temperature and humidity at the right levels.
2. Use power strips.
Power is wasted when unused appliances and electronics are left plugged in. Save yourself the time and energy of having to unplug and plug in your electrical items by using a power strip and switching it off when you’re not using anything that’s plugged into it.
3. Turn your water heater down.
If you have access to your water heater, locate the temperature gauge to determine if it’s set to a proper temperature for you. Turning the water heater down will save energy by reducing the amount of work it takes to get the water heated up.
4. Replace your furnace filter.
If you have access to your furnace, replacing a furnace filter will not only keep the air in your home free of dust particles, it will also help keep your furnace running efficiently. Get more helpful tips on changing your furnace filter at our blog.
5. Install a programmable thermostat.
Yes, you can do this! Thermostats are relatively easy to install and uninstall, but if you’re not sure, there are plenty of online resources to help you.
Before you install your new programmable thermostat, take down the existing rental thermostat and store it somewhere safe. You’ll want to reinstall it before you move out.
Learn how to choose the right thermostat for you.6. Choose an energy supplier.
In deregulated markets, you may have the ability to lock in a specific rate on your electricity and natural gas supply. A fixed rate gives you peace of mind that even if market prices go up, yours won’t. Check with your landlord to see what your options are! Learn the perks energy suppliers offer by reading more at our blog.
We’re here to help.
IGS Energy offers a wide range of products and services that can benefit any home dweller. Whether you’re looking for a great low energy rate or want to protect some of your most valuable electronics or appliances from things like summer storms surges or unexpected repairs, we can help you customize a plan today.